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givvable partners with People and Planet First to boost visibility of social enterprises globally

August 16, 2024

Givvable and People and Planet First Announce Strategic Partnership to Boost Visibility of Verified Social Enterprises Globally

givvable is thrilled to announce a strategic partnership with People and Planet First, a
global verification system and banner that unites the growing movement of
enterprises that prioritise people and planet over private profit. People and Planet
First follows a distributive network of networks approach that engages and
shares revenue with grassroots organisations supporting the local ecosystems.

This partnership aims to enhance the visibility and engagement of enterprises that have been verified as putting people and planet first in the procurement processes of corporate and government buyers globally, both through givvable’s platform and its distribution partners.

As a network of networks, People and Planet First was launched in October 2023 at the Social Enterprise World Forum in Amsterdam and works with 70+ global partners to verify enterprises in more than 125 countries.

Through this partnership, givvable and People and Planet First aim to support the growth of these verified enterprises by making it easier for corporate and government buyers to identify suppliers with independently verified social and environmental impact and social benefit attributes that positively contribute to their Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) objectives.

Through this collaboration, People and Planet First verifiedenterprises will benefit from:

  • Enhanced visibility to corporate andgovernment buyers through givvable’s platform and distribution partners;
  • Education and resources for suppliers onESG issues relevant to their industry, jurisdiction and/or size; and
  • A unique business profile with automated mapping tosustainability & ESG frameworks, standards and objectives.

Corporate and government buyers and suppliers using givvable will benefit from:

  • Instant identification in procurement processes of People and Planet First verifiedsocial enterprises; 
  • A wider pool and greater depth of verified social enterprises to search, discover and engage with; and
  • Automaticreferralof suppliers to People and Planet First where their business profile suggests potential eligibility for People and Planet First’s social enterprise verification

“As a mission-driven platform, givvable is thrilled to partner with People and Planet First to increase visibility of People and Planet First verified enterprises to corporate and government buyers globally.

Many organizations have aspirations to procuresocially and sustainably, but have been held back by difficulties in
identifying and engaging with social enterprises, which are often small-to-medium sized enterprises (SMEs), in their procurement processes.

A key goal of this partnership is to support thegrowth of the social enterprise sector and operationalize their impact in
global supply chains. The accessibilityof People and Planet First’s social enterprise verification program to SMEs, as well as People and People First and Good Market’s desire to promote visibility to corporate and government buyers through collaboration with givvable, sets the foundation for us to do just that.”

- Frances Atkins CEO and of givvable

“Our collaboration with givvable aligns perfectly with our mission to create more opportunities for the visibility of all enterprises that put people and planet before profit. People and Planet First is a banner to unite all of these businesses, no matter the terminology they use in their local context. By
working together, we can accelerate progress towards adopting sustainable procurement policies.”

- Hina West, GlobalImpact Director for People and Planet First

givvable is a leading sustainability intelligenceplatform that empowers organizations to make informed decisions by tracking and assessing the sustainability credentials of suppliers and trading partners. For more information, visit or contact

About People and Planet First
People and Planet First is a network of impactnetworks dedicated to advancing social enterprise and sustainable business practices. Through its verification process and global partnerships, People and Planet First promotes responsible business conduct and positive impact. People and Planet First is stewarded by the Social Enterprise World Forum and was cocreated by a network of more than 35 impact networks from around the world. For more information, visit or contact