givvable and ETA partner to increase visibility of ethical and sustainable supply chains
givvable and Ethical Trade Alliance (ETA) are pleased to announce a partnership to increase the transparency of ethical and sustainable supply chains to businesses, companies and governments globally.

ETA is a new, innovative platform using blockchain and IoT to conduct independent modern slavery and sustainable procurement audits for exporters to assist importers with regulatory and compliance reporting.
This partnership gives ETA’s audited suppliers a distribution platform to increase visibility of their modern slavery, ethical and sustainability credentials to givvable’s ecosystem of businesses looking to spend sustainably, socially and with impact.
givvable is a data-driven technology platform capturing the sustainability credentials of suppliers and mapping to widely-used ESG frameworks, including the UN SDGs, GRI, SASB, TCFD etc. – with proprietary algorithms mapping well over 1 million complex data relationships.
Frances Atkins, CEO and co-founder of givvable said:
“The pressure on businesses, companies and governments to demonstrate their ESG credentials has never been greater and set to intensify as we move from target setting to reporting progress against those targets.
"We see this as a powerful collaboration – ETA has established relationships with international trade organisations, and access to exporters in markets where concerns around modern slavery are highest.
"This partnership gives their customers increased visibility to buyers, trading partners and investors seeking ethical credentials – and for givvable’s customers, they come to our platform knowing that if a business has a credential, we are capturing it.”
Lawrence Christoffelsz, Chairperson and founder of ETA said:
“We are delighted to be collaborating with an innovative organisation such as givvable as we recognise the growing complexities of modern supply chains require extensive data analysis and reporting for companies to be able to make trusted decisions on their global suppliers in order to maintain their CSR goals and values.”